Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gifts from Colombia

It has been 2.5 months since we left Bogota, Colombia.

The shooting club, Club Cazadores, gave us two gifts to 
remember our time with them and our time in Colombia.
We couldn't have received better gifts.

I had been searching for a perfect mochila for 4 years. 
None ever really "spoke" to me. 
Well, one did, but it was when we first arrived and it was pink. 
Never found another one like it.
I had decided that I would not settle on just any one, 
so I never purchased one. 

My gift from the members/friends of the club? 
A delightful ORANGE mochila. 
I love it!

Eric received his gift and it couldn't have been more perfect. 
We had been saying that we needed a hamaca (hammock) 
but never got around to really shopping for one. 
And sure enough, there it was waiting for us. 
We are haven't moved into our new home, but we do have the hamaca in use!

We reminisce the fun times we had with all our friends.

Just like an old favorite song states:
 "But all you get to keep are the memories. 
You gotta make the good ones last."

Cheers to all our friends, all over the world. 

1 comment:

  1. (hopefully this isn't a second posting, I believe that the first one I typed is history as it locked up and wouldn't let me finish)

    As I was saying, I'd never heard of a mochila before, and from the looks of it it's sort of like a rucksack and backpack combined? The colors are beautiful and I believe that the gun club made a great choice for you! Eric looks quite relaxed in his hamaca, I hope he gets to spend many peaceful hours there.

    Thank you for sharing bits and pieces of areas of the world that many of us will never see, I love traveling vicariously through your travels and life!
